What Does Abundance Mean to You?

Great question, and it is the first question Elaine Starling asked me during our interview. Elaine Starling is the host of the Abundance Journey podcast and the author of Five Steps to Activate Your Abundance. I was honored to be interviewed by Elaine, and the podcast has many nuggets of information. However, I surprised myself with my answer to her initial question.

Isn’t abundance stuff? Money? Having of things? Having lots of things?

I sat a few minutes in silence and realized that abundance is feeling a sense of peace, calm, and freedom. Sure, I love clothes, jewelry, and a nice car; however, the peace and freedom I feel override having possessions. Thank you, Elaine, for making me think deeply and realize that abundance is a lovely emotion for me.

We talked about the importance of setting intentions with your spiritual team first thing in the morning. We all have angels, guides, and the amazing energy of the universe to help us. The kicker is that we must ask for help. There are millions of unemployed angels out there, just waiting to be asked. They will never interfere in your life unless you ask for help and guidance.  

Elaine does a great job explaining the steps to creating your intentions and holding the thought for 78 seconds. We hold the thought of our intention for 78 seconds to tell our subconscious mind, “I really mean this!”  Our subconscious mind is a faithful friend and will match what you think and feel with strong emotions in your life.

 I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did.

Listen here: Positive Activity to Love Your Life with Lori Rogers


The Power of the First Impression


3-Minute Reset