Planting Goal Seeds

Do you have goals for 2022? Well great ! Let’s plant goal seeds. Goal seeds are little stories and thoughts you tell yourself each day. Ideally we want the goal seeds to line up with our goals. Let me explain.

If one of your desires for 2022 is to start an exercise routine, plant the seeds :

“My body is getting stronger and healthier.” “I have found the right gym to attend.” I love my new streaming service that I can follow.” “There are so many wonderful online teachers I can watch.” “I can exercise any day of the week.” “I can get up an hour earlier to do something great for myself.” “It does not matter that I cannot touch my toes.”

These stories and thoughts you tell yourself become part of your subconscious and these thoughts become your reality. It goes both ways. You would not want to plant cucumber seeds if your desire was to grow green beans. In the same fashion, let’s not plant these seeds :

“I am never going to be fit.” “I am too tired to exercise.” “People will judge me at the gym.” “I cannot do yoga, I am not flexible.”

Once we plant our goal seeds in our journal, in our mind, on the vision board; then we nourish, till and fertilize the seeds. These activities help us farm our seeds:

  • No doubt. Believe and trust that this plant will grow, The thing you desire will happen for you.. Your ego will try to step in and tell you “ You can’t do this” “I am not in shape” “I do not have the time and energy”, but do not believe your ego. Thank your ego for showing you want you do not want so you can fertilize what you do want!

  • Visualize yourself getting up early, getting in the car, driving to the gym, walking on the treadmill, listening to uplifting music, lifting the 5 pound weight, body in downward dog, whatever it looks like for you.

  • Post pictures on your vision board, on your laptop, in the bathroom, when your ego takes you somewhere else, move your eyes to the goal seed statements.

  • Make space in your life for the seeds to grow. Declutter your mind, space and time. Delegate chores and activities to other family members or online services or a virtual assistant!

    Can you believe it before you see it? I hope so. Send love and appreciation to yourself. You are worthy, you deserve all the wonderful things coming to you. Happy gardening!


Choosing thoughts is Easier than Choosing Emotions


What you Appreciate …Appreciates