What Is Rational Optimism?
Rational Optimism means taking a realistic assessment of what is going on in the world and choosing to be positive and joyful anyway.
It does not mean we have our heads in the sand. It means the opposite.
I know there is a pandemic, and people are struggling. The best way for me to help my community, friends, family, and the incredible support staff that cares for my son with autism is to choose to be positive and optimistic. Going down the rabbit hole of despair and suffering cannot help those around me. I can best help by staying positive and spreading the light, joy, abundance, and gratitude to my community. My hope is that the people in my sphere feel the gratitude.
I read an interesting study by Michelle Gielan in conclusion she notes:
“We surveyed 2,000 adults nationwide and found that optimists are seven times more likely to experience high levels of financial well-being. They feel better about their money, no matter how much they make or have, and they’re significantly more likely to make positive choices about it.”
You can learn to become more optimistic! Isn’t that great to know? I love teaching the concepts of Positive Activity™, the activities raise your level of happiness and optimism. You too can make an impact in your community, business and family. Simple practices of Appreciation, Conscious Acts of Kindness, intentional recall, positive affirmations, shifting perspective, laughing, and smiling to name a few. It is a freeing experience to believe: “Things are always working out for me” (even when it looks like they are not). My head is not in the sand, I am well aware of the sand but choose to make sand castles anyway.