Keeping A Positive Mindset In The Midst Of Change And Challenge

Thank you for attending my Zoom presentations last week. "Keeping A Positive Mindset In The Midst Of Change And Challenge" I was so jazzed to present the material and answer questions. 

Ah ha moment ... what are we doing to block the abundance, love, our goals, desires, joy? Consider the fear, doubt, negative comments that appear. Thank these thoughts for appearing.  Seeing and feeling what you do not want will show you what you do want. Then we can start to pivot our thoughts and focus. Focusing on what we do want will help us feel better, be more optimistic and open our minds.  

Studies have shown that fear results in inaction, where a positive mindset will lead to taking action. It is not just any action, but a positive mindset opens us up to inspired action and creative thinking.  

For example, the pandemic hits, our clients canceled events and orders. Our sales come to a screeching halt. Fear, doubt, worry, and slight panic set in.  Thank you, panic for appearing and making me feel awful. I know I do not want to feel this way. I want to feel light, joyful, optimistic. I take a step back and remember that I have been here before. (Recession 2009) Each day I focus on what my clients can buy, how I can help them, and spreading positivity and joy. We learned about PPE and sold this to our customers, not from a place of fear, but from a place of compassion and helpfulness. We connected with them at home and sent out “care packages.” My team became really good at social media and spreading positive messages. We have found other ways to help our customers and the ideas keep flowing.  Our marketing has become more touchy feely with messages of positivity and support.


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