Creating A Joy List

Have you created your Joy List? Things, activities, events that bring you joy (15 is a good #). Even if I cannot physically do some of the activities I'll find pieces of them that I can do. I have my mind too! Which I control and I can go to any of these places or things whenever I want just by visualizing.

My joy list:   

Meeting with clients (Zoom or phone is great too.)

Positive Activity Presentations (Zoom event or FB live hmmm!)

Funny shows and movies


Time with family and friends (digitally is working really well)

Yoga Practice (Live streaming)

Seeing Craig smile, laugh and dance  (my son diagnosed with autism )

A great haircut (cannot wait!) 


First morning coffee 

Spa Day 

Time at the ocean

Reading a great book 

Sending a hand-written letter

Walks with Neil exploring our community

Wishing you a joyful day.


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