Nourishing News
Inspirations from Positive Activity.
The Importance of Lifelong Learning and Keeping Your Mind Active
Life doesn't slow down after 30—or even 50, 60, or beyond. The most profound growth and learning often come when we challenge ourselves well beyond our younger years.
Building Success Through Integrity, Fairness, and Service
Throughout my journey, I’ve learned that true, lasting success cannot be built on anything less than integrity and fairness. These are not just ideals—they are the foundation on which I’ve based my work.
The Power of the First Impression
Reflecting on my years spent bartending, I realized that the lessons learned during those late-night shifts transcend the bar and apply to almost any field, especially sales. The bar is a microcosm of life, where interactions are raw and real, and the power of a first impression is on full display every night.
What Does Abundance Mean to You?
I was honored to be interviewed by Elaine Starling, the host of the Abundance Journey podcast, and the podcast has many nuggets of information. However, I surprised myself with my answer to her initial question.
3-Minute Reset
There is nothing worse than being in an ornery mood. The bad mood spreads and attracts other situations to be cranky about. Ugh. I've been practicing the 3-minute reset, a technique that has been incredibly effective for me.
The High 5 Habit
Giving yourself a high five in the mirror each morning is simple, free, easy, quick, and so impactful! I wish I had known this when I was five years old, but I know it now, and I want you to experience the benefits, too.