
Nourishing News

Inspirations from Positive Activity.

Neil Rogers Neil Rogers

The Power of the First Impression

Reflecting on my years spent bartending, I realized that the lessons learned during those late-night shifts transcend the bar and apply to almost any field, especially sales. The bar is a microcosm of life, where interactions are raw and real, and the power of a first impression is on full display every night.

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Lori Rogers Lori Rogers

What Does Abundance Mean to You?

I was honored to be interviewed by Elaine Starling, the host of the Abundance Journey podcast, and the podcast has many nuggets of information. However, I surprised myself with my answer to her initial question.

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Lori Rogers Lori Rogers

3-Minute Reset

There is nothing worse than being in an ornery mood. The bad mood spreads and attracts other situations to be cranky about. Ugh. I've been practicing the 3-minute reset, a technique that has been incredibly effective for me.

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Lori Rogers Lori Rogers

The High 5 Habit

Giving yourself a high five in the mirror each morning is simple, free, easy, quick, and so impactful! I wish I had known this when I was five years old, but I know it now, and I want you to experience the benefits, too.

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